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Our school is a voluntary-controlled Church of England primary school.  This means that it is fully-funded by the local authority, but with influence and input from the local diocese to monitor its Christian flavour.


Our Full Governing Body (FGB) comprises governors representing parents/carers, staff and the local community, in order to monitor the day-to-day running of the school.

In general terms, the FGB is required to:

• Set the strategic direction and ethos for the school
• Hold the school to account for its actions and achievements by monitoring its performance across a broad range of criteria;
• Act as a ‘critical friend’ to the school, by offering support, guidance, and praise when appropriate and constructive criticism and challenge where necessary.

The FGB meets four times a year (typically termly, but twice in the Autumn term) and is supported by two committees:

Finance and Premises

Curriculum, Standards, Welfare & Monitoring


Additionally, some governors take on extra roles to enable the governing body to fulfil its statutory responsibilities in areas such as Safeguarding and SEND.  We also have ‘links’ to specific subjects within the curriculum and make visits to the school to meet staff, watch lessons and support school events. All of these activities allow us to develop a good understanding of how the school is performing, as well as the challenges it faces.

Members of our FGB have a wide range of expertise and experience from many walks of life, and we endeavour to use these skills to help the school whenever possible. We are also very aware of the ever-changing education environment, and governors attend training sessions to ensure that our governance work complies with the latest requirements.

Governors are committed to our primary purpose of ensuring that the school continues to deliver a high standard of education in a safe and secure environment, and in doing so secures the best possible outcomes for each and every one of its students. We also firmly believe that this is best achieved through a close partnership between students, their parents/carers, the school staff and governors.

We hope our children make the most of the many opportunities on offer to them at White Notley and that their time with us is both successful and enjoyable.

Click here to view our governor register, as required by OfSTED​

Declaration of Pecuniary and Personal Interests

Click here to view the Annual Governance Statement 2024

Full Governing Body Attendance Register 2024/2025

Governor Data Privacy Notice 2024

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